Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Night -- Sunday Morning

It is late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, I can't decide.  It really isn't important. It is the middle of the night.  I am sitting at my computer with my two dogs.  We are wondering what the rest of the world is really doing.  It is finally quiet here.  The traffic on the road in front of the house is gone.  The neighbor's music is silent.  Now if only my mind would settle down for sleep I would be happy -- or at least able to rest.  

I was thinking about point of view earlier today.  Is your point of view different at different times in your life or in your day?  If you saw or heard the same thing two days or two years apart would it be the same experience?  I don't know.  Would the strange comment you heard yesterday be merely odd or would it be disturbing if you heard it tomorrow?  
Well maybe I can rest for a while.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday in Porter, TX

I woke up this am with a fever.  It is 5:30 pm here and I am just starting to feel human again.  I hope all is well with you.  I have to check on my dog Taco, for a small dog he is snoring like a mac truck.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nine Eleven Ten Years later.

I remember but I am still here.  I still remember those who are no longer here.  I live in memory of those no longer with us.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Ongoing Life and Times of Me

Well the weather here in Texas is finally cooling down.  It is actually cool this morning.  There has still be little to no rain.  It is windy and there are fires.  

I a feeling better but no all the way back to normal.  I still am having exhausted days (for no apparent reason).  I am looking forward to the fall and the winter.  I hope you are all doing well.